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Shop the Maggpie Market


We are so excited that our member, Maggpie Rentals, is opening up their first shop! Maggie and Jason, the owners of Maggpie Rentals, began renting out their furniture collection in 2011 for weddings and events. A few years in to it, Jason began fabricating custom pieces as well. Relocating from the Philadelphia area to Boyertown in 2017, they were able to expand their collection and even start an online store. Now with the pandemic and events being pushed to later dates, Maggpie was able to yet again expand, this time turning part of their warehouse on their property into a retail shop! Opening this weekend, by appointment only, Maggpie is offering a currated collection of home decor and some custom built pieces made in house. You can follow Maggpie on Instagram (@Maggpiemarket) for updates or if you're curious as to what the rental side is up to, follow @Maggpie_co.

If you are interesting in shopping Maggpie Market, head over to their website and send them an email.

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