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  • Kim

Oktoberfest Sponsor SPOTLIGHT

Boyertown's Oktoberfest is right around the corner and we CANNOT wait!

We couldn't make it happen without the help of our generous sponsors.

This week we are featuring Friendship Hook & Ladder!

1. How old is your business and what location(s) does it primarily serve?

Friendship Hook and Ladder Company was started February 23, 1889. Friendship Hook and Ladder is presently a social organization 501C-7 that is a separation from the fire personnel even though the apparatus is still housed in our building.

2. Tell us a little bit about your business.

Friendship Hook and Ladder has a full bar, kitchen and event social hall available for rental.

The bar is open seven days a week and offers beverages and food at reasonable prices. Our organization is open to anyone who has a present member recommend them.

3. Have you ever been involved with Oktoberfest in the past? If so, please share.

For the last eight years I have been involved to some extent.

4. What do you love most about Oktoberfest?

The ability to showcase our wonderful town and people.

5. Does your business participate in other community events regularly? If so, please share.

We donate money to different non-profits and our members are in various organizations.

Friendship Hook & Ladder

10 Warwick Street

Boyertown, PA 19512

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