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  • Kim

It's EASY Being Green!

Building a Better Boyertown graciously received 25 trees from Tree Pennsylvania's Bare Root Tree Grant, which were planted this past week. The various trees found their new homes in several street locations such as Philadelphia and Reading Avenues, 2nd Street, as well as around the parking lots and in the Boyertown Community Park.

BaBB's Tree Committee was joined by Boyertown Masons, BASH Environmental Club students and other volunteers to dig the holes and get those trees in the ground! Bare root trees must be planted within a week of being picked up from the nursery as they are not stored with any soil around their roots.

Among the trees planted were maples, crabapples and Sargent's cherry which will provide beautiful color as they grow. We extend a big 'Thank You!' to all of our volunteers for their time and dedication to the beautification of Boyertown! We can't wait to see how these little guys flourish in the coming years!

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