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A Rosie Outlook

This past Saturday The Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicle held their event,“A Rosie Outlook: WWII and the Girls with a Star-Spangled Heart”. The exhibit, held in the former Boyertown Auto Body Works, the very factory where local women did welding, metal work and other jobs that had been performed by men, features some of the vehicles Berks’ Rosies worked on more than 75 years ago.

Boyertown Auto Body Works built 900 ambulances mounted on International half-ton chassis during World War II, earning a prestigious Army-Navy E Award. Also on display is a mobile shoe, textile and canvas repair unit mounted on a Dorsey frame, made in Boyertown. It is one of 2,500 made for the U.S. Marine Corps in the Pacific Theatre during World War II. About 140 of the vehicles were converted for medical, dental and communications use.

As a tribute to the women, the museum unveiled its Rosie the Riveter Rose Garden in front of the Hafer Building at Walnut and Third streets. Heirloom roses were planted to honor the Boyertown Auto Body Works’ Rosie the Riveter, and all women who served in World War II.

Beth Norton, granddaughter of “Rosie” Carrie Butterwerk, helped in planting the roses.

The Peppermint Stick Candy Store sold vintage-style candy and root beer floats. They even had their very own "Rosies" walking around!

Cd's Place Catering and Eatery sponsored the rose garden and owner Chris Dietz unveiled the garden plaque.

Check out the exhibit, happening until the end of September.

Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles

85 S. Walnut St,

Boyertown, PA 19512

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